Seventy percent of Iraq’s doctors are reported to have fled the war-torn country in the face of death threats and kidnappings. Those who remain live in fear, often in conditions close to house arrest. Dahr Jamail and Jason Coppola speak with doctors in a Baghdad hospital about life during war and occupation.
Fisherman on Tigris River
A fisherman in Baghdad speaks to Dahr Jamail and Jason Coppola in the shadow of the massive new US embassy on the Tigris River about life during occupation.
Dahr kicks off Beyond the Green Zone book tour
As the UN calls for a vigorous investigation into a U.S. air raid that killed at least 15 women and children in Iraq, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews Dahr Jamail about his new book Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq. Includes discussion of how Dahr got his start
The Bases Are Loaded – A Film by Alternate Focus
Will the U.S. ever leave Iraq? Official policy promises an eventual departure, while warning of the dire consequences of a “premature” withdrawal. But while Washington equivocates, facts on the ground tell another story. Independent journalist Dahr Jamail, and author Chalmers Johnson, are discovering that military bases in Iraq are being consolidated from over a hundred
U.S. Army Tries to Force Sarah Olson and Dahr Jamail to Testify Against Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada, for those who don’t already know, became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful war and occupation in Iraq. While doing this on June 22, 2006, Watada said, “As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must refuse that order.”
Another Cover-Up? U.S. Troops Kill Two Iraqi Women, One of Them Pregnant, in Samarra
Dahr Jamail speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now regarding the killings On May 30th, US troops shot and killed two Iraqi women — one of whom was pregnant. Nabiha Nisaif Jassim and her cousin Saliha Mohammed Hassan were in a car going to Samarra General hospital where Nabiha was about to give birth. Democracy
Dahr Jamail Speaks About the Haditha Massacre on Democracy Now!
An internal military investigation has found that U.S. marines killed as many as 24 Iraqis – including women and children – in the city of Haditha on November 19, 2005 and then tried to cover it up. In this video, Amy Goodman speaks with: an attorney and researcher at Human Rights Watch, independent journalist Dahr
Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill LIVE from Sacramento
“No president in the history of this country has waged a bloodier war on journalism and journalists than the regime of George W Bush.” – Jeremy Scahill March 14, 2006 Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill in a gripping lecture that they gave together in Sacramento, CA on March 14, 2006. Some of the highlights include
British Troops Beating Iraqi Youth
The UK’s News of the World showed a 2 minute video of British Troops dragging a number of Iraqi youth involved in a protest behind a gate and then violently beating them. The News of the World website states that “The News of the World has a long history of supporting British troops – which
Abu Ghraib footage the US government has not allowed you to see
On Wednesday 16 February 2006, Australian public broadcaster SBS current affairs program DATELINE telecast a segment featring 60 new photos of the torture inflicted on prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. These photos were secured by court order – the ACLU figures prominently in the report – but these photos haven’t yet been