Dahr Jamail speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now regarding the killings
On May 30th, US troops shot and killed two Iraqi women — one of whom was pregnant. Nabiha Nisaif Jassim and her cousin Saliha Mohammed Hassan were in a car going to Samarra General hospital where Nabiha was about to give birth. Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman speaks with independent journalist Dahr Jamail about the incident and how the US military may have tried to cover it up.
In the interview, Dahr uses this incident as another example of the countless “incidents” where Iraqi civilians have died at US hands. He speaks specifically of other incidents and massacres such as Haditha, the November 2004 siege of Fallujah and the current operation in Ramadi.
[flv:http://dahrjamail.net/multi_media/dahr_jamail_democracy_now_6_14_06.flv 267 200]