November 11, 2005 – Saul Landau interviews Dahr Jamail on “Hot Talk”
On the last days of a presentation tour throughout the East and West Coasts of the US, Dahr Jamail speaks with Saul Landau about the true nature of the situation in Iraq. In this 1/2 hour video, the two discuss a wide range of topics including: US forces deliberately targetting and silencing the journalists who were reporting the truth of the November 2004 siege of Fallujah, the US use of phosphorus weapons on civilians, some of the truths of the US sieges of Fallujah, the deteriorating conditions in Iraq, the realities of everyday life for Iraqis and much more.
[flv:Dahr_Jamail_Saul_Landau_11_11_2005.flv 320 240]