Art as Resistance
Art Show: Combat Paper Project & The Memorial Wall Film Showing: Iraq, Paper, Scissors The independent award winning journalist, Dahr Jamail, who has reported from the Middle East for the last five years, will speak about the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as his new book that covers a growing GI resistance within the U.S. military. This resistance includes artwork generated by veterans which will also be on display. In addition, he will also show the Sara Nesson’s new documentary “Iraq, Paper, Scissors” which discusses the Combat Paper Project.
Location: Moorpark College Forum in the Applied Arts Building, 7075 Campus Rd. Moorpark, Ca. 93021
Directions to College
Applied Arts Building
Cost: Donation
Presented by: Moorpark College Arts Department, The Center for Equality and Justice, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Citizens for Accountability, Ventura County
For further information contact: John M. Grzywacz-Gray at 805 378 1400 x1875 or email